Thursday, August 19, 2010

Man Vs. Food

     Man Vs. Food... It is exactly how it sounds.  It is a man, a food fanatic, named Adam who goes all over the world eating really large and hot/spicy meals at different places. At these places he runs into food challenges that test him both mentally and ultimately physically.  He struggles in most of the episodes whether it be devouring a 5 lb. Burger or eating 6 of the hottest wings in the world.  He sure has a stomach of steel because most of the time man beats food.  In one episode he has to eat 7lbs. of seafood which I find difficult to imagine but he pulls through and becomes one of the thousands of people who have prevailed. He is usually timed when he has to eat a huge meal or something extremely hot/spicy.  

     Before he gets to his main challenge on the episode, he eats all other types of food in the area he is at (New York, Chicago, Texas, ect).  I Mean doesn't it sound like a fun job to just travel the world, get free meals, and get paid for eating (job).  Adam is sure a lucky guy.  Here is something you may not know though even if you watch the show.  You must be wondering how does he stay fit when eating all this food? or why isn't he fat?  Well... he has a personal trainer who travels with him.  He is the one who keeps him in good shape, because if it weren't for him Adam would have all types of problems.  After Adam eats a really big meal he gains an extra 2lbs or higher.  That is just not healthy for a human, so he has to have someone keep him in shape.   
     This is a show you should definitely watch if your the type of person who likes eating (or seeing delicious meals), challenges, plain comedy (the show is somewhat funny), or just enjoy watching a man go all out on his food.  At moments in the show Adam will pull a joke about the food he is about to eat, or makes a joke about the people who work at the restaurant he is eating at.  There are so many episodes of this show: there maybe episodes where he cant even take a bite after his first bite (he loses the challenge), or wins the challenge and gets a shirt or trophy (sometimes he breaks a record).  This show is full of entertainment for anyone of any age.  The show is on the travel channel.  Go check it out and enjoy. 

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