Sunday, October 3, 2010


“Lingo” Is a game show that’s been on television for quite a long time.  It’s a game that tests the two teams’ (containing two players in each) ability to manipulate letters into 5 letter words.  They start by being given the first letter of the word.  The goal is to successfully guess the correct word.  The teams battle for the grand prize money (the amount differs for every show).  Each team has five chances to correctly guess one word.  The players take turns guessing the word and saying it out loud to the game show host.  If the word is incorrect but contains some letters in the correct word, the letters remain on the screen.  This makes it easier each time to guess the right word.  If one team doesn’t get the right word within 5 tries the other team gets one chance to guess the word and win twenty-five points.  If not, then it goes back and forth till the right word is announced.  Once this happens they are given a chance to pull numbered balls from a bucket.  There is a random table of numbers on the screen.  If the numbers they picked line up in a row, column, or diagonal line, then they get an additional 100 points.  Lingo combines the rules of bingo with a word game.  Once a team gets “Lingo”, the other team gets a turn.  The team with the most points by the end of round two (there are two rounds) goes onto the final round playing for the grand prize.

This show never gets old for me.  Even though it is quite an old show I still watch it because it is so fun to guess on the words before the contestants can guess them.   This is an excellent show to watch with your family.  I have watched this with my brothers and we compete with each other to see who can guess the words first.  It gets really addicting after watching it for a short time.  You can watch this show on the GSN channel.  Go check it out, and I guarantee it will be enjoyable to watch.  Do you think you have the capability to play Lingo?

Monday, September 27, 2010

Minute to Win It

“Minute to Win It” is a game show starring Guy Fieri, an Food Network personality and host of the show.  It is a game that challenges contestants from all over the world to complete seemingly impossible and difficult tasks within a given time.  They are given one minute to complete each difficult task.   The contestants need to successfully win ten challenges to get closer to the grand prize of one million dollars.  These tasks require skill, control, dexterity, and of course, speed to perform them.  The challenges range from stacking raw eggs using the inside of paper towel rolls (an easy task) to balancing 2 raw eggs on 2 light bulbs using a package of salt ( a harder task).  I have never seen anyone win the grand prize of a million dollars, however I have seen many contestants leave with a large amount of money.  A player wins money just by completing a task.  They have the choice to stop at any time.  As the tasks become more and more difficult to accomplish, they can choose to go to the next task or stop.  If they decide to continue, they risk losing their winnings if they fail to complete their task.  So one must be truly greedy and talented to win the grand prize.

This show is really amusing and entertaining to watch.  When I’m changing TV channels, it always catches my attention, and I stop to watch it.  Even though I’ve seen that particular show already, I want to see it again to observe and learn the ways to complete the task. Some of the challenges look ridiculously impossible to do, however, through luck and skill some contestants manage to complete them.  I recommend this show for anyone who likes game shows, or just likes watching “nail-biter” moments.  This show will keep you on the edge of your seat, and it is such a fun show to watch with your family.  This new show is on NBC and can also be viewed on  I hope you enjoy this show, because from all the people I have heard from, they sure did.  Do you think you have what it takes to complete the task within a minute to win it?

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Deadliest Warrior

Deadliest Warrior, a show on Spike that comes up with something new every time, is about war between two certain groups. These two groups on the other hand don’t need to be from the same age or time in history.  So this is what makes the show much more interesting and exciting.  There will be, for example, an encounter between Ming Warrior and a Pirate.  They are certainly not from the same region, so this is what makes the show much more appealing.  This is however all done through virtual graphics, where at the end of the program they show an actual battle between the two types of people. 

Before the actual fight happens, there are professionals who test out weapons from the certain types of people and use it on objects.  The weapons they use from these groups are used to show that one group is better than the other group.  There are a total of three stages where each team (the people who are for a certain type of person) battle against each other using the weapons on objects.   The judge (usually a professional doctor or someone who specializes on the human body) looks over how much damage each weapon causes.  They look for many other things other than how much damage a certain weapon causes.  They also look at the speed, accuracy, and size.  It is sure amazing to see what these weapons can do.  Armor is a big thing too that is tested.  It is incredible to see how much the armor can resist to the others’ team weapons.

There is not much of a story to this show; it is more for people who like violence and action.  There is very little history within this program.  They do tell of the history behind each of the groups but very briefly.  Most of the history is mainly based off the groups fighting techniques.   After you watch the first show you are going to have the urge watch another episode.  Trust me on that.  This show never fails me, and always grabs my attention the moment it comes on.  Go check it out and I guarantee it will astonish you.

Saturday, September 11, 2010


     Famous on the Food Network Channel, a show called Chopped is a cooking competition involving four contestants as they battle against each other for the grand prize.  There are three judges who test out the final products made from the contestants.  This hourly show is broken down into three parts. The first part where the four contestants have to create an appetizer.  The second part is where three contestants (one is eliminated from the last round) have to make the dinner or the main dish.  And lastly, where it comes down to the last two contestants who battle in making a desert.  After the judges look over the two last contestants, they decide who wins.  The chief that wins gets the prize of $10,000 (sometimes it is more).

     There are however somethings that are added to each of these competitions to make it much more difficult for the contestants.  The appetizers are to be made in 30 minutes, the main dish in 40 minutes, and the desert in 30 minutes.  It is quite a challenge to make these meals in the time frame, yet that's not it.  They also have to use the special ingredients that they are given to them.  Sometimes the ingredients that are given to the chief are completely foreign to them. This is what makes it a whole different competition.  The meals are based off of taste, the design, and creativity.  If one does not meet those standards or is not as good as the others they are CHOPPED.

     I highly encourage people who like to watch cooking shows and fun competitions like this to watch it.  It is a great show for entertainment and also to watch with your family.  You can find this show on the food network channel every tuesday at 10pm.  They show repeats throughout other days, so you might be able to catch the show on another day.  I hope you got a good sense of what this show is about and I hope you give it a try and check it out.

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Saturday, September 4, 2010

Disaster Date

What do you think about blind dating?  Well how abut watching a blind date go all wrong.  Disaster Date is a show on MTV where a persons best friend or someone close to them goes on a bad date all set up.  This is all acting however, the people they are set up with are professional actors.  The people all around them are all actors too.  This is all for the purpose to get back at a best friend or friend.  It is a really funny show because you get to see how the people react when they are on these blind dates.  The episodes are just so bizarre I cannot describe all that happens in one episode.   This show however is not for kids 12 and under because there are some really bad episodes that children shouldn't be watching.

At the very beginning of an episode the person's best friend is announced on what stuff they do not like in a guy/girl.  Based on that information they get a person who is exactly those things to go on the blind date.  So this means that the person they are on a blind date with is someone they totally hate. There is a positive however for the people that are tricked on this "blind date".  The amount of time they stay with their blind date they get 1 dollar for each minute they stay with them (maximum time 60 minutes).
The episode get much funnier than the one above, I just chose one that would be appropriate to show.  So I recommend that if you like comedy and you are someone who feels they are able to handle watching this, that you watch this.  I have laughed on every single episode that was made on this show.  Its a well put together show, and i hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

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Monday, August 30, 2010

Man Vs. Wild

Another show testing the strength of man.  A survivor named Bear Grylls gets dropped off in random areas across the world in his challenge to survive the devastating conditions of the areas.  This show is available on the discovery channel and he teaches not only how the place is harmful but also the ways to survive.  He gets dropped off in the beginning of the episode in a place where the weather is deep in the 100 degrees or really low to where you could freeze to death.  When he is getting dropped off he doesn't know where he will get placed.  He is not alone however when trying to survive and look for human-life, he is assisted by the camera man.  Well... I'm not sure if the camera man helps him out, but he is the one recording Bear's every move.  Sometimes when they are climbing up really steep walls the camera man messes up and gets stuck in a corner, and Bear is sometimes put to the situation where he is to save him.

There is something huge that you need to know when he is getting dropped off: He gets dropped off without any equipment or food. You are probably wondering how he survives?  Well... it is actually quite amazing how he does it.  He goes around the area looking for anything that is eatable.  He sure has a stomach of steel because he will be going from eating a snake to a tarantula spider.  He always eats the thing that he says he will eat even if it looks completely un-eatable.  Just from looking at the things he eats Im pretty sure he must take some sort of medication behind the scenes.  I have sure learned a lot on how to survive on certain areas in the world and I am pretty sure you will learn many new things.  There are things that I would normally do in the situations he would be in that he says could be very dangerous. So he tells people what the best thing to do in certain situations is.
This show is just absolutely amazing and I encourage you to watch it.  It is even a great show to watch with your family.  I can just picture me and my family getting all grossed out just watching him eat a rabbit or some insect.  Bear is a man who is fearless and he always finds his way to civilization where he gets saved.  This show is for everyone except people with weak stomachs (if you can't watch the things he eats).  Enjoy and learn the many ways to survive in such tough conditions.

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Thursday, August 19, 2010

Man Vs. Food

     Man Vs. Food... It is exactly how it sounds.  It is a man, a food fanatic, named Adam who goes all over the world eating really large and hot/spicy meals at different places. At these places he runs into food challenges that test him both mentally and ultimately physically.  He struggles in most of the episodes whether it be devouring a 5 lb. Burger or eating 6 of the hottest wings in the world.  He sure has a stomach of steel because most of the time man beats food.  In one episode he has to eat 7lbs. of seafood which I find difficult to imagine but he pulls through and becomes one of the thousands of people who have prevailed. He is usually timed when he has to eat a huge meal or something extremely hot/spicy.  

     Before he gets to his main challenge on the episode, he eats all other types of food in the area he is at (New York, Chicago, Texas, ect).  I Mean doesn't it sound like a fun job to just travel the world, get free meals, and get paid for eating (job).  Adam is sure a lucky guy.  Here is something you may not know though even if you watch the show.  You must be wondering how does he stay fit when eating all this food? or why isn't he fat?  Well... he has a personal trainer who travels with him.  He is the one who keeps him in good shape, because if it weren't for him Adam would have all types of problems.  After Adam eats a really big meal he gains an extra 2lbs or higher.  That is just not healthy for a human, so he has to have someone keep him in shape.   
     This is a show you should definitely watch if your the type of person who likes eating (or seeing delicious meals), challenges, plain comedy (the show is somewhat funny), or just enjoy watching a man go all out on his food.  At moments in the show Adam will pull a joke about the food he is about to eat, or makes a joke about the people who work at the restaurant he is eating at.  There are so many episodes of this show: there maybe episodes where he cant even take a bite after his first bite (he loses the challenge), or wins the challenge and gets a shirt or trophy (sometimes he breaks a record).  This show is full of entertainment for anyone of any age.  The show is on the travel channel.  Go check it out and enjoy. 

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